Sunday, August 11, 2013

the truth about PCPA

For starters, I'm not going to be approaching this from a disgruntled perspective. I've came to many of these conclusions on my own, and they were concerns I had about the way things were at this supposed "place of learning".

1) You can get removed (euphemism: kicked out) for just about anything, and you have no right to review any complaints, you just have to take the administrator's word on it.
2) If someone has a personal (read: NOT PROFESSIONAL) gripe with you, watch the fuck out.
3) Gossip is true there, regardless of gossiper's credibility.
4) It's a bubble they live in there, where their influence goes well beyond the walls of the relatively run-down facility. This is not the case.
5) The majority of students I have seen graduate have done nothing they could not have done without wasting two years on a useless piece of paper (read: 'Certificate') and are all living well below the poverty line from wages in their respected field.
6) Instructors have sex with the students. They try to use a loophole in doing this where (sometimes) wait for the specific class they teach to promote said students into a new "class" and then bang the shit out of them. This in no way means that the student-teacher relationship is done, they're still faculty and consultants and sometimes even counselors to the students.
7) The instructors "party" with the students and smoke weed and take molly with them. Some of the students sell drugs to their "teachers".
8) The instructors espouse professionalism and act like high school students themselves.
9) The faculty requires perfect attendance (to a degree) yet cancel classes with no notice quite frequently.
10) You spend more time researching your craft than you will doing it.
11) Many instructors will contradict fundamentally with what you're learning from other "educators" there, and you're left to decide when and where to apply certain "truths" they instill.
12) People in SoCal haven't even heard of PCPA. They're thinking you're talking about a new drug.
13) Personal development is not important. You need to develop into a miniature version of the faculty there. Dissent is not recommended.
14) If your method or process differs what what you're taught, throw your old method or process away.
15) If Stanislavski or Haagen aren't your cuppa' tea, better drink it anyway.
16) Privacy is not an option. Your whole life is on display and judged.

This is my incomplete list so far. I will give more commentary on each point later. For now, this will do.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

quitting quitting
it's one helluva ride
one relapse at a time

waiting to wait
one moment fades
into another of waste

another failure of nicotine's call
to calm me to sleep
to soothe me at all

i guess i'll die
with a cigarette in my lips
because i can't find
coping mechanisms that fit